NEW ORDERS FROM THE COURT: I wonder if Judges and Justices of the Peace will daily announce their title and sexual identity as well in open court to the public.

Ontario Court of Justice

Notice to the Profession and Public

Pronouns for Lawyers and Parties

At the beginning of any in-person, virtual or hybrid hearings, when lawyers are introducing themselves, their client, a witness or another individual, they should provide the judge or justice of the peace with each person’s name, title (e.g. Mr., Mrs., Mx., Counsel “X”) and pronouns to be used in the hearing. If counsel does not provide this information in their introduction, they may be invited by a court clerk to provide this information.  At the beginning of each court session, court clerks have been asked by Court Services Division to announce that parties appearing before the court are invited to provide their title and pronouns to the court.  

Sharon Nicklas

Chief Justice

Ontario Court of Justice

IF YOU WANT A JUSTICE SYSTEM THAT WORKS, THE GOVERNMENT HAS TO FUND IT PROPERLY – “Funding for the justice sector is set to decrease from $6.1 billion to 5.9 billion in 2024, according to the recently-released Ontario budget. In the next few years, that number is projected to decrease further to about $5.6 billion.”

WHEN JUSTICE DAVID H. DOHERTY SPEAKS THE LEGAL PROFESSION LISTENS. When Justice David H. Doherty speaks about the integrity of Judicial appointments, Premier Doug Ford should listen. “It does a disservice to suggest that the qualification for appointment to the judiciary should include some manifestation of allegiance to, or even sympathy with, the agenda of those who are fixed with the responsibility of appointing judges,”

OH NO! While we’re still, years later, cleaning up the messes of Harper’s unconstitutional mandatory minimum sentences (MMS) and the delays that resulted in Judicial stays of serious criminal cases, Poilievre wants to take us down that same unconstitutional road with his rebranded mandatory minimum penalties (MMP).

Our Criminal Lawyers’ Association letter to Doug Ford regarding our concern for the independence of our Judiciary and it’s selection process.

February 26, 2024 VIA EMAIL: The Honourable Doug Ford, M.P.P. Premier of Ontario Legislative Building, Queen’s Park Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1A1 The Criminal Lawyers’ Association represents more than 1800 criminal lawyers in the province of Ontario. Our membership regularly appears in the Ontario Court of Justice where the bulk of criminal law cases are heard in this province.  The Judicial Appointments Advisory Committee (JAAC) had long been lauded as the gold standard in judicial appointments. The JAAC created significant independence in the appointment process of judges in our province. This committee historically focused on appointing judges for merit and not political allegiance.  Your recent comments in the media confirmed your Government’s intentions to politicize the process. The Government’s interference with the judicial appointment process poses a substantial threat to the independence of Ontario’s judges. The loss of independence erodes public confidence in the judiciary. Your ill-conceived public comments about appointing “like-minded” judges will have the unintended effect of tarnishing the integrity of your future appointments. Judicial independence is a cornerstone of our constitutional democracy. We echo the concerns of other Ontario legal organizations and urge your Government to appoint qualified, principled, impartial judges of the highest caliber regardless of political affiliation. Judges must be free to make fair and impartial decisions – often difficult decisions – without concern for whether or not their rulings align with the Government of the day.  Yours very truly,  Boris Bytensky President, Criminal Lawyers’ Association  CC: The Honourable Doug Downey, K.C., M.P.P., Attorney General of Ontario