Category archives: Uncategorized
Will Amazon dominate the legal market in the future?
Autism does NOT = violence. Autism does NOT = not criminally responsible (NCR)
Why are we so quick to label and generalize things? Autism is a spectrum disorder. The question is NOT whether Minassian is autistic but rather whether he was “suffering from a mental disorder that rendered him incapable of appreciating the nature and quality of the act or of knowing it was wrong. (s. 16(1))
Step by step …
SEXUAL ASSAULT – The criminal justice system may not be the best place for victims to seek healing.
IF YOU’RE CHARGED WITH A CRIMINAL OFFENCE and do not have a lawyer YOU NEED TO READ THIS! You can no longer ignore it.
FINALLY a move away from our archaic paper-based criminal law system. Ontario launches a digital eIntake platform for speedier filing of criminal charges.
Jury trials to recommence November 18th
– They’ll try it again. Courtrooms will be limited to 19 persons. Let’s count: 12 jurors, 1 Judge, 1 Registrar, 1 Court Reporter, 1 accused, 1 defence lawyer, 1 Crown Attorney and 1 witness. That’s 19. No room for 1 interpreter or 1 support worker. No substitute jurors. No room for a second accused and …