After police arrested five nude adults for allegedly snatching a couple and baby, a relative blamed the bizarre event on ‘some type of herbal drug or something’
Source: Canada naked kidnap case: suspects drank mystery ‘trippy tea’, relative says
Criminal Defence Law Blog
After police arrested five nude adults for allegedly snatching a couple and baby, a relative blamed the bizarre event on ‘some type of herbal drug or something’
Source: Canada naked kidnap case: suspects drank mystery ‘trippy tea’, relative says
This is nothing more than creating a procedural step of another pre-trial hearing, which is unnecessary as every trial Judge already assesses the admissibility of such evidence in the trial. It will likely lead to delay. It will take years to go through the appeals process. Just sayin’.
Defence lawyers repeatedly told the committee that Bill C-51 effectively removes their ability to expose inconsistencies in a complainant’s evidence
Source: Sexual assault bill gets few changes from MPs, despite lawyers’ concerns over ‘reverse disclosure’
TAXING CANNABIS – “Anyone planning to purchase legal marijuana next year better be prepared to pay the taxman as well, to the tune of at least $1 for every gram — plus GST.” Isn’t that double taxation? The federal and provincial governments have already begun fighting over the revenue split.
ONTARIO’S CANNABIS LEGISLATION – Here is a link to Bill 174 which has now been tabled and a synopsis of the most important provisions.
On November 1, 2017, the Ontario government tabled Bill 174, Cannabis, Smoke-Free Ontario and Road Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017, which would, if enacted, create the Cannabis Act, 2017 to provide the provincial framework for the upcoming fed
Source: Ontario’s Cannabis Legislation Tabled in Legislature – Slaw
“Informer privilege does not exist where a person has contacted Crime Stoppers with the intention of furthering criminal activity or interfering with the administration of justice.” “The promise of anonymity is not an impenetrable cloak of immunity for those who seek to abuse it… (and) those who intentionally try to misuse the system.”
By allowing an anonymous tipster to be identified in open court, however, the Supreme Court may also have irreparably broken the public trust in Crime Stoppers
DECRIMINALIZE ALL DRUGS – So is marijuana the thin edge of a wedge? It probably is because as people are dying we continue to incarcerate addicts. The criminal approach has failed. It’s time to look at the evidence and find a new way that will save people.
Source: Singh sets sights on opioid crisis, pushes PM to decriminalize all drugs | CTV News
MARIJUANA DECRIMINALIZATION – The devil is in the details. “Like liquor and tobacco laws, the regulation of marijuana will always be a work in progress. But it’s too bad the initial approach taken by governments in Canada is such a buzzkill.”
Come July 2018, Canadians should be able to light up a joint free from worry that they could be convicted of a criminal offence. In reality, it may be a few more years until most people can find an authorized dealer to supply them with legally grown recreational-use marijuana.
Source: Tentative steps toward decriminalizing marijuana a buzzkill | Canadian Lawyer Mag
THE LAW SOCIETY OF ONTARIO – Hardly a surprise. Once they voted to delete “Upper Canada” the substitute was pretty obvious.
Convocation voted to change the regulator’s name from the Law Society of Upper Canada to the “Law Society of Ontario.” The vote follows a passionate discussion at September’s Convocation where benchers requested further research into potential names and suggested testing them with Law Society licensees and the public. The name change motion was passed with …
Source: Convocation votes to change name to “Law Society of Ontario” – The Gazette
A death, no matter where, when or how, is a tragedy.
Source: Murder, manslaughter, criminal negligence: What’s the difference?
The Impossible Task of Marketing a Criminal Law Firm. Over the weekend I went to the Whitewater micro brewery in Beachburg, Ontario. While enjoying some fine ale with friends, I was impressed with the velocity in popularity that this small company possessed. After a few
Source: The impossible task of marketing a criminal law firm |