Strains of cannabis may have fancy names and come with promises of tantalizing effects, but many buds have a mixed-up genetic lineage and don’t always match what’s advertised, plant experts caution.
Since 2015, a victim “includes anyone that has suffered emotional harm as a result of a crime, even if it didn’t involve them personally. That means someone reading the story in a newspaper or seeing it on TV could qualify as a victim, opening the floodgates. The plain reading of the law now as it is, doesn’t put any limitation on who is a victim ” I wonder if this means they can apply to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board for monetary damages?
An “unprecedented” number of victim impact statements has delayed the sentencing hearing for the killer of a Winnipeg high school student — and legal experts says the relatively new Canadian Victims Bill of Rights is to blame.
Source: Nearly 100 people submit statements in Winnipeg case under new Canadian victims rights bill
CANNABIS AMNESTY is more difficult than you thought.
There’s been lots of discussion of an amnesty for people with marijuana convictions. But its would be harder than it sounds to do in practice. Here’s why.
Source: Why a Canadian marijuana possession amnesty is harder to implement than it sounds
CUSTOMS PRE-CLEARANCE – If you’re planning on travelling to the U.S. you should be aware of the extensive powers given to the U.S. Pre-clearance Officers. You must answer all questions and answer them truthfully and cannot withdraw without a good reason. Be aware and beware.
AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES should be an eventual solution to the problem of drinking and driving.
The automaker also stressed that the fully autonomous vehicle would emphasize safety.
Source: GM just revealed a fully autonomous electric car — and it doesn’t have a steering wheel
ANTICIPATING CHANGES TO THE CRIMINAL LAW – “Well into the second half of its mandate, the Trudeau government has a lot of work left to do.”
JUSTICE TRANSFORMATION – is obviously needed. Participate here. You may learn some things about the justice system you did not know.
Source: Justice Transformation
DECRIMINALIZATION OF DRUNK DRIVING – It’s not a bad idea but it has some issues, such as innocence and the need of proof.
Changes are coming to the way drunk drivers are policed and prosecuted in Alberta with the provincial government set to issue a directive to police that will largely decriminalize impaired driving, CBC News has learned.
Source: Drunk driving to be largely decriminalized in Alberta in 2018 – Calgary – CBC News