The evidence in particularly brutal trials can leave jurors suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. But in many jurisdictions across the country, jurors are simply thanked and dismissed after the verdict with little or no support to cope with what they witnessed.
THE JURY Pt. 3 – CAN YOU AFFORD TO SERVE AS A JUROR? It’s no wonder so many try to avoid serving.
Ontario compensates jury duty far less generously than other provinces. As a result, many prospective jurors simply ask to be excused — an outcome that experts say makes justice less representative of the community.
THE JURY Pt. 2 – Presently it is a criminal offence for a juror to speak openly about and an offence to ask a juror about the jury experience. In the U.S. there is no such restriction whatsoever. The differences are huge. Should we change? That’s a tough question.
In Canada, jurors are prohibited by law from making any public comment about their deliberations or reasons for a verdict. But is it time to change the law and allow jurors to speak?
Source: It’s time to let Canadian jurors speak freely about their verdicts, experts say – Canada – CBC News
THE JURY Pt. 1 – It is not peremptory challenges to the jurors that is the problem, rather it’s the composition of the jury pools that do not reflect the diversity of our population.
DRUG IMPAIRED DRIVING LAWS – You bet we’re going to bring an avalanche of constitutional challenges to this unconstitutional attempt to criminalize those who are not impaired by a drug. “The Canadian Bar Association said the Criminal Code overhaul “would bring a substantial amount of uncertainty into an area of well-established, heavily litigated law … further burdening our criminal justice system at a time when system delays have become critical.” Criminal defence lawyers are the last refuge to protect you from an overzealous government.
Drug-impaired driving is already an offence in Canada but the new legislation creates a legal limit for THC levels and allows the use of roadside screening devices
MASTER CRIMINALS – These guys must be master criminals. Don’t be like these guys.
THE PROBLEM WITH ASSUMING CREDIBILITY – These are key allegations that have been recanted. As a result, a trial will probably never be held but regardless, the damage has already been done.
TORONTO — A key accusation which cost Patrick Brown the leadership of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party – that he plied an underage high school girl with booze – is not true, CTV News now acknowledges.
Source: Key accusation against Patrick Brown false, CTV now admits
PRISON IS FREEDOM AND FREEDOM IS PRISON – Would you pay to go to jail for a vacation?
Many South Koreans are seeking reprieve from the pressures of modern life in a mountain retreat that specializes in solitary confinement, writes Matt Kwong.
Source: In a land of workaholics, burned-out South Koreans go to ‘prison’ to relax | CBC News
DRUG ADDICTION, CRIME AND DRUG COURT – Cudos for Justice Stephen Brown.
It’s one of the only courts of its kind in Canada and it’s adopting an unorthodox approach to users and dealers.
Source: Inside the Canadian court that handles drug crime differently
CRA TAX SCAM – “I should be a smart guy. I wasn’t.” Look, Revenue Canada will not call you on the phone, they will not threaten arrest and they won’t demand payment in bitcoin. Be aware and don’t fall for this.
How did Tom Kane end up at a Bitcoin machine pumping in $5,000 to send to a scam artist? The answer helps explain one of the most effective ways Canadian victims get bilked.
Source: ‘I should be a smart guy. I wasn’t.’ How the CRA tax scam keeps duping us | Toronto Star