The panel of judges unanimously dismissed Const. James Forcillo’s appeal of both his conviction in the 2013 shooting death and his six-year prison sentence.
Source: Court of Appeal upholds conviction for Toronto cop who shot Sammy Yatim | The Star
Criminal Defence Law Blog
The panel of judges unanimously dismissed Const. James Forcillo’s appeal of both his conviction in the 2013 shooting death and his six-year prison sentence.
Source: Court of Appeal upholds conviction for Toronto cop who shot Sammy Yatim | The Star
Trump voluntarily called into Fox and Friends and somehow managed to make everything worse for himself.
Source: Trump Goes On Television, Destroys Two Legal Cases, Will Blame ‘Fake News’
We need to explore alternatives to criminal trial in sexual assault cases and find approaches that consider the victim’s point of view.
Source: Taking the sexual assault victim’s perspective into account
The last thing Brittany Roque expected to learn as she applied for a job with the Brandon Police Service was that the force had received intimate images of the young police cadet.
Source: Police officer in ‘revenge porn’ case sues over distribution of intimate images | CBC News
Parliament should offer greater clarity on this important aspect of sentencing for victims, judges and defendants.
Source: Opinion: What weight to give victims’ sentencing recommendations? | Montreal Gazette
A driver who flipped the bird at a traffic camera is about to be a jailbird.
Source: Man jailed after giving middle finger to speed camera | Fox News