YEAH, BUT WHATABOUT OBAMA? YEAH, BUT WHATABOUT HILLARY? “According to Merriam-Webster, “whataboutism” is a rhetorical device that “is not merely the changing of a subject (‘What about the economy?’) to deflect away from an earlier subject as a political strategy; it’s essentially a reversal of accusation, arguing that an opponent is guilty of an offence just as egregious or worse than what the original party was accused of doing, however unconnected the offences may be.”

“Whataboutism,” which is currently enjoying an upswing, is just a means to deflect from the original point and dictate the terms of discussion, writes Shree Paradkar.

Source: Opinion | Whataboutism is just a trolling tactic — and it deserves to be shut down

DRUNK DRIVING AND IMMIGRATION – “New amendments to the Criminal Code of Canada mean foreign nationals and permanent residents convicted of impaired driving can now be deemed inadmissible and could face deportation.”

New amendments to the Criminal Code of Canada mean foreign nationals and permanent residents convicted of impaired driving may now be deemed inadmissible and could face deportation.

Source: Canada stiffens sentences for drunk driving, raising new immigrant inadmissibility concerns

WHY DO WE EQUATE THE IMPAIRING EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL AND MARIJUANA? “A significant limitation of these studies is the inability to assess the level of driver impairment, as the complex pharmacokinetics of cannabinoids pose a challenge to establishing a universally accepted and scientifically valid standard of cannabis impairment,”

As Canada prepares for the great legal cannabis reality, many folks are wondering how many puffs can you take before you’re one toke over the line?

Source: FindLaw Canada | Marijuana and driving: what are the legal limits?