COMMON EMAIL SCAMS – Make sure you’re familiar with these so you can recognize them when it happens to you.
BREATHALYZER MAINTENANCE RECORDS – Yes that’s right. In order to take a look at breathalyzer maintenance records to see if the device has been properly maintained we now have to bring an application showing they have not before we can see if they have.
In a trilogy of impaired driving cases the Supreme Court of Canada decided today, the appeals of two Alberta men who had demanded maintenance records for the breathalyzer instruments used following roadside pull-overs were dismissed, while the Quebec Crown’s appeal of a demand for disclosure was also dismissed.
“There are so many other professions that don’t turn you into Jeff Sessions!”
It will crush their spirits!
Source: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 4 Song: ‘Don’t Be a Lawyer!’
LAW STUDENTS AND LAW SCHOOL CLINICS will be prohibited from representing clients by the government’s reforms.
Bill C-75 was introduced to the House as a way to fix issues with the criminal justice system. However, an unintended consequence is that low-income people will lose access to law school clinics.
Source: How a proposed law could cut off legal aid for low-income people
PARDON vs. EXPUNGE – “There seems to be some confusion”. Here’s the other side.
U.S. law enforcement cannot access records on Canadian pardons, says a spokesperson for the public safety ministry.
Source: Federal government refutes claims that pot pardons could cause problems at the border | The Star
John Baxter was convicted in the 1980s for robbery and possession of a joint. He’s spent 30 years trying to clear his name and says a pardon he got in 2014 did not help him at the border.
Source: Don’t count on pot pardons to wipe your record clean, legal experts warn | CBC News
PROHIBITION 2.0? – Could regulation turn out to be more restrictive than criminalization was?
Given prohibition’s failure to stop people from using marijuana, legalization certainly feels like a win for advocates of sensible reform. But while many Canadians are surely taking to the streets to light up in celebration, some advocates of law reform aren’t quite as quick to call this an u
nqualified victory.
OMG – How’re you gonna get your weed legally if Canada Post goes on strike? I see a constitutional challenge here.
Locations of the rotating strikes have yet to be determined.
Source: Canada Post union issues strike notice; workers could begin rotating strikes Monday