Source: Child luring convictions may be overturned following Supreme Court case, lawyer says
Do NOT call 911 because you’re annoyed at an Amber Alert!
THE MARIJUANA JUSTICE ACT (US) – This is how we should have done it, comprehensively. “The bill would see marijuana finally removed from the federal list of controlled substances, …it would also expunge the criminal records of anyone who had been charged with possession while also calling for anyone currently incarcerated for the offense to petition for an immediate re-sentencing. Those convicted under prohibition laws would also be provided job training and resources under the act.”
The Marijuana Justice Act of 2019 would see marijuana removed from the federal list of controlled substances, legalizing the plant on a nationwide level.
Source: New Bill Would Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Erase Possession Charges
Typical trial evidence.
KETAMINE APPROVED (U.S.) FOR TREATMENT OF DEPRESSION – What a difference when policy is informed by evidence.
The US Food and Drug Administration recently announced the approval of a ketamine-based nasal spray for treating depression.
Source: FDA Approves Ketamine Nasal Spray as Legal Antidepressant
RECORD SUSPENSIONS FOR SIMPLE MARIJUANA POSSESSION CONVICTIONS – If/when the Bill passes, record suspensions for simple possession will be free with no waiting periods and will remove any “good conduct” inquiries.
RISK-DRIVEN TRACKING DATABASE – Known as RTD or “The Hub”, police, school staff, social workers, health care workers, and the provincial government are working together to amass highly sensitive information about people’s lives.
The database includes detailed, but “de-identified,” information about people’s lives culled from conversations between police, social services, health workers, and more.
Source: Police in Canada Are Tracking People’s ‘Negative’ Behavior In a ‘Risk’ Database
RISK-DRIVEN TRACKING DATABASE – Known as RTD or “The Hub”, police, school staff, social workers, health care workers, and the provincial government are working together to amass highly sensitive information about people’s lives.
The database includes detailed, but “de-identified,” information about people’s lives culled from conversations between police, social services, health workers, and more.
Source: Police in Canada Are Tracking People’s ‘Negative’ Behavior In a ‘Risk’ Database