A finding of guilt would be an attack on the autonomy and self-ownership of all young people
Source: A 16-Year-Old Girl Is Facing Child Pornography Charges for Making a Sex Video of Herself
Criminal Defence Law Blog
A finding of guilt would be an attack on the autonomy and self-ownership of all young people
Source: A 16-Year-Old Girl Is Facing Child Pornography Charges for Making a Sex Video of Herself
The researchers found no statistically significant relationship between testing positive for THC and contributing to accidents.
Source: New Car Crash Study Highlights the Irrationality of DUI Laws Based on THC in Drivers’ Blood
As technology plays a greater role in “revenge porn” cases, Canadian judges have issued harsher sentences as a deterrent, new research says.
Source: Judges issuing harsher revenge porn sentences in Canada | Law Times
There are numerous grounds of inadmissibility contained in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act 1 (IRPA). However, this article will focus on the grounds of criminal inadmissibility described in A36. Canada Immigration Dentons 23 May 2019
Source: Immigration Consequences Of Canadian Criminal Offences – Immigration – Canada