BAD CRIMINAL LAWS – A 16-year-old girl, “S.K.,” was convicted of child pornography charges for taking a video of herself performing a sex act and sending it to a few of her close friends. Unintended consequences. Unexpected issues. “A finding of guilt would be an attack on the autonomy and self-ownership of all young people.”

A finding of guilt would be an attack on the autonomy and self-ownership of all young people

Source: A 16-Year-Old Girl Is Facing Child Pornography Charges for Making a Sex Video of Herself

Immigration Consequences Of Canadian Criminal Offences – If you are not a Canadian citizen and have been charged with a criminal offence this is a good resource.

There are numerous grounds of inadmissibility contained in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act 1 (IRPA). However, this article will focus on the grounds of criminal inadmissibility described in A36. Canada Immigration Dentons 23 May 2019

Source: Immigration Consequences Of Canadian Criminal Offences – Immigration – Canada

PARDONS FOR CANNABIS POSSESSION CONVICTIONS – If the law passes, “Applications (for pardons) would be reviewed by administrative staff, and applicants would not have to pay the current application fee of $631.” The article notes interestingly that Canada’s original drug prohibition law of 1923 specifically targeted opium possession, as recreational use was a distinct feature of the immigrant Chinese culture on the west coast. Similarly in the U.S. cannabis possession and recreational use was a distinct feature of the Black and Hispanic cultures. Drug laws have always had a racial root.

When the federal government introduced legislation in March to streamline pardons for simple cannabis possession, Canada’s criminal bar had two reactions.

Source: Pardons for pot possession | Canadian Lawyer Mag