Which of the JORDAN presumptive ceilings of unreasonable delay is applicable is not determined by whether it is a one-step or two-step proceedings but simply by whether the trial proceeds in the Ontario Court or the Superior Court.

ALCOHOL IS A UNIQUE SUBSTANCE in that it is well studied and the results of consumption are very predictable. Other drugs are not the same in that every drug affects every person differently. We can’t equate the effects of marijuana consumption with the effects of alcohol consumption on driving impairment. The underlying assumptions are not valid. They are not the same.

Source: A Majority of Consumers Don’t Think Cannabis Impairs Their Driving

GENETIC GENEALOGY – also known as a familial search. Police now search the private databases you have submitted your DNA spit-kit too. The catch is that you don’t have to submit your own DNA. You could be a match if any relative of yours has submitted theirs. This is the new front line of privacy protection.

The trial of William Earl Talbott II hinged on a lead from a genealogy site. The verdict will shape the future of crime-fighting and genetic privacy.

Source: Man Found Guilty in a Murder Mystery Cracked By Cousins’ DNA