Scientists use big data to understand what separates winners from losers
Source: Failure Found to be an “Essential Prerequisite” For Success
Criminal Defence Law Blog
Scientists use big data to understand what separates winners from losers
Source: Failure Found to be an “Essential Prerequisite” For Success
A court in Barcelona cleared five men of sexual assault charges on Thursday after saying the crime did not fit the legal definition of rape because the unconscious teenage victim didn’t fight back.
Source: Five men acquitted of rape because unconscious teen victim didn’t fight back
Michael Patrick McNutt was a volunteer coach in the 1980s and was employed as a teacher with the former Halifax Regional School Board until the mid-1990s.
Source: Criminal Code changes further complicate, delay historical Nova Scotia sex-offence case
Several provinces are examining the constitutionality of a thorny area of the criminal code
Source: Charter issues come to fore on defence of extreme cases of intoxication
The term “criminal” is stigmatizing. it conjures up images of Spiderman stringing bank robbers by their feet until the police arrive—okay, maybe that’s just me—but typical views on anyone who’s been arrested, or as organizations like the John Howard Society refer to them: justice-involved, are that these individuals are the lowest of the low because they’re the bad guys who threaten our family’s safety and well-being.
Source: Unpopular Opinion: You should care about ‘criminals’
RCMP say although they use drug-testing technology only the standard field sobriety test needs to be used to lay impaired driving charges
Source: Road Trip: Cannabis edibles may avoid detection in drug tests, toxicologist says