Criminal Defence Law Blog
In 2014 Harper made the selling of sexual services legal and the purchasing of and communicating for sexual services illegal. Not surprisingly it is not working out very well. “Things are definitely getting worse for sex workers. We have to make more and more compromises in terms of our safety so the client feels safe (from arrest).”
Here is something to watch out for. You and your partner have a few drinks, get into an argument, one party leaves to cool off and gets charged with impaired driving.
There is no privacy. “”We give our police officers special powers in our society that we believe they need to keep us safe. But there is a trust relationship that has to be there, it’s the foundation of those powers.” Other local police services also use this technology. Give them power and they will abuse it.
An evidence code is needed because, in R. v. Graat [1982] 2 S.C.R. 819, Justice Brian Dickson, delivering the judgment of the Supreme Court, stated: “We start with the reality that the law of evidence is burdened with a large number of cumbersome rules, with exclusions, and exceptions to the exclusions, and exceptions to the exceptions.” And now, that fragmentation of the law of evidence is much worse.
Source: An evidence code to replace the many evidence acts | Ken Chasse – The Lawyer’s Daily