Criminal Defence Law Blog
All limitation periods are suspended. This will include limitations in drinking and driving cases.
We should have had remote appearance options years ago. With the right leadership, this will lift the court out of the dark ages.
This includes the automatic adjournment dates.
“All family trials, criminal trials and preliminary inquiries between Friday March 20, 2020 and Friday May 29, 2020 are suspended, subject to a judge seized with a continuing matter ordering otherwise. This applies to both in-custody and out-of-custody accused.”
As I am sure you are aware, one of the present consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic is the effective closing of the courts across Ontario. At present, all scheduled court appearances will be adjourned for exactly 10 weeks automatically without the need for the personal presence of you or me. This means that your case will be delayed for a further 10 weeks. Courts, however, continue to operate at a skeleton level dealing only with in-custody matters and those of exigent circumstances.
Our priority at ReeveLaw is the health and well-being of our staff, clients and the community. In order to do our part to reduce the risk of spreading the virus and to practice social distancing, we have decided to effectively close our physical office, except in the case of emergencies or necessities. In place, we will attempt to avoid face-to-face meetings by utilizing email, telephone consultations and Skype. We will continue to remain available to you as we remain available to new clients. If during this time you have been charged with a criminal offense give us a call and we’ll arrange a consultation method and time when I will be able to answer your questions.
In the interim, we are dedicated to continuing to provide all legal services to you. Be assured that we continue to communicate and interact with the courts and Crown Attorneys and other persons necessary to advance your case.
At ReeveLaw we remain connected with the courts, our Law Association and the Ontario government to receive updates and to keep informed of new developments as the courts struggle to deal with this exceptional circumstance.
A Conditional Sentence Order (CSO) is a sentence a step away from actual jail. A CSO is a jail sentence that is served in the community. In essence, your residence becomes your prison from which you are not allowed out except, usually, for work, necessities, and emergencies. In our case, we don’t even have the work exception. It’s like we are all serving a CSO of undetermined length. CARPE DIEM Stay safe. Stay healthy.