WHAT HAPPENS WHEN POLICE DISRESPECT THE LAW AND YOUR RIGHTS? – NOT MUCH https://www.thestar.com/news/investigations/2022/06/09/how-torstar-found-600-cases-of-police-violating-fundamental-rights-when-no-one-is-tracking-this-national-problem.html?source=newsletter&utm_source=ts_nl&utm_medium=email&utm_email=0B41BB051FF7EA38DB4BDD5E33BA3AB2&utm_campaign=frst_128150
THIS EXPLAINS A WHOLE LOT!! – “Finland requires 5,400 hours of training before becoming a police officer, according to data compiled by the Institute for Criminal Justice Training Reform in the United States, which advocates for more police training in that country. Germany and the Netherlands average around 4,000 hours; Britain more than 2,000 hours. Canada calls for barely more than 1,000 hours. Only the U.S. makes us look good – as it so often does – with an average of just 650 hours of training before giving a young person a badge and a gun.” https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/editorials/article-why-is-it-so-much-easier-to-become-a-cop-in-canada-than-an-electrician/
WHEN THE JUDGE AND CROWN GO OUT FOR DINNER AND DRINKS TOGETHER DURING A TRIAL = A MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE https://www.stcatharinesstandard.ca/ts/news/gta/2022/06/01/a-miscarriage-of-justice-ontario-murder-conviction-tossed-over-prosecutors-close-friendship-with-trial-judge.html
YOU CAN’T EXECUTE A PERSON MORE THAN ONCE – “The ruling does not mean that multiple murderers will walk free after 25 years. It does not mean they have a right to parole once the minimum period has expired. It means they have a right to apply. In any such proceeding, the onus is on the prisoner to show why he is no longer a threat to society, not on the Crown to show why he is.” https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-we-can-no-more-force-a-prisoner-to-serve-150-years-than-we-can-execute/
PAROLE INELIGIBILITY REDUCTION DOES NOT EQUAL A SENTENCE REDUCTION – A life sentence is for life. “The fact that a person is eligible for parole doesn’t mean they’re getting parole. A person released on parole would continue serving a sentence, being under strict supervision with the possibility of returning to prison until they die.” “The American system of justice is a horror. I know that Mr. Harper and Mr. Poilievre would like to bring that in. But God help us. Ours is so much more merciful and so much more decent.” https://www.canadianlawyermag.com/practice-areas/criminal/parole-ineligibility-reduction-not-a-reduction-in-sentence-criminal-lawyers-react-to-r-v-bissonne/367068?utm_source=GA&e=ZGpyZWV2ZUBiZWxsbmV0LmNh&utm_medium=20220601&utm_campaign=CLW-Newsletter-20220601&utm_content=60340243-7A36-40AE-831C-5923AFD1310D&tu=60340243-7A36-40AE-831C-5923AFD1310D
Well, this sure is a significant step! https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/opioid-crisis-bc-canada-1.6471878
What do we make of this? The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled against accused people in 34 sexual-assault cases in a row. – “The losing streak for accused people has some criminal-defence lawyers questioning whether the Supreme Court is committed to balance, fairness and the presumption of innocence in sexual-assault cases. Some feminist observers, on the other hand, view the rulings as a course correction for a system still permeated by myths and stereotypes.” https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-supreme-court-rulings-sex-assault-cases-metoo/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Morning%20Update&utm_content=2022-5-30_6&utm_term=Morning%20Update:%20Supreme%20Court%20rules%20against%20accused%20in%2034%20sex-assault%20cases%20in%20row%20&utm_campaign=newsletter&cu_id=QOZRZekEHGFjnSsUBQ0byp8IRf5R4BBL
LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE – Is this a value we hold as Canadians? The Supreme Court is to consider this tomorrow. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-supreme-court-quebec-city-mosque-shooter/