FENTANYL – Little known to the public, abuse of Fentanyl, a powerful opiod prescription painkiller 40 times stronger than heroin is accounting for a mounting death toll in Ontario. It has become the drug of choice since the de-listing of Oxycontin in 2012. The problem is dosing. It comes in time release patches that are typically cut up in sections to obtain the content however the amount of the drug in each section varies and is unknown, resulting in overdoses which shuts down breathing and death. Jail sentences for possession of Fentanyl are severe and equivalent to those imposed for heroin possession.

The small ‘Chemical Valley’ city has a Fentanyl death rate that is four times the provincial average.

Source: Sarnia, Ontario Attempting to Patch Up its Deadly Fentanyl Problem | VICE | Canada

The real reason crime is falling so fast – Macleans.ca

OUR RATE OF CRIME IS FALLING FAST – Whether it’s a result of our increasing use of technology or not, the truth is that crime rates continued their decades-long decline. “The overall crime drop has been described as the most important criminological phenomenon of modern times.” Yet, as the U.S. is making bold moves to decrease their high rate of incarceration here in Canada our laws are deliberately moving in the opposite direction to incarcerate more of us for longer periods of time. It’s insane.

How social media obsession, smartphone addiction, and even violent video games are, surprisingly, making us safer

Source: The real reason crime is falling so fast – Macleans.ca


BOATING UNDER THE INFLUENCE – Did you know? Impaired (or over 80) boat or vessel operation carries the same penalties as if you were operating a car or truck? If you are convicted of impaired boating you will lose your motor vehicle license and will be prohibited from driving a motor vehicle anywhere in Canada for at least the mandatory minimum period of 1 year. The OPP are on the waters. Boat safely this summer.

Source: The Canadian Safe Boating Council and MADD Canada Team Up to Reduce Impaired Boating Deaths This Weekend – Press Release – Digital Journal


Dennis Reeve

“Become informed. Take advantage of our free initial consultation.”

– Dennis Reeve

“Speaking in code is an easy trap to fall into. It is the language lawyers use daily with their peers, so to talk in legal terms with a client seems totally natural. This can create two problems. First of all, when clients don’t understand what is going on, they aren’t in a position to make informed decisions. The second problem is emotional: When someone speaks ‘above’ a customer’s understanding, it makes the client feel inferior.”

“We’re [McLeish , Orlando LLP] in the process of retaining an ad agency for some of our marketing,” says Dale Orlando. “And it’s really frustrating when they use acronyms we don’t understand. You don’t want to ask because it seems like everybody else

Source: Communications breakdown: When a lawyer uses jargon – Slaw


If you were a customer of Ashley Madison and the confidential information which had been hacked was your name or identity and sexual preferences, would you really want to add your name to a class action suit?  And what about damages? “Even if a class action is launched, it’s difficult in privacy cases to assess what the damages are, particularly where they’re not financial in nature.”  What exactly are you going to claim are your damages?  Loss of spousal affection? Divorce? Is that really Ashley Madison’s fault?  Good questions, eh?

Source: Will Ashley Madison customers launch class action over hacking incident?


ppower208-25022011 “Imprisonment is supposed to reduce crime in two ways: it takes criminals off the street so they can’t commit new crimes (incapacitation) and it discourages would-be criminals from committing crime (deterrence). But neither of these outcomes came to pass. Prison obliterates your earnings potential. Being a convicted felon disqualifies you from certain jobs, housing, or voting. Each year in prison reduces the odds of post-release employment by 24% and increases the odds you’ll live on public assistance. Time in prison also lowers the odds you’ll get or stay married. Being in prison and out of the labor force degrades legitimate skills and exposes you to criminal skills and a criminal network.” These are the indisputable experiential facts. Harper’s “tough on crime” policies fly in the face of the evidence. His words are “1984 double speak” designed to get him votes at the cost of the safety of our communities.

Source: In America, mass incarceration has caused more crime than it’s prevented – Quartz


Federal judicial appointments “remain open to blatant partisan political favouritism. They use their local contacts, such as party fundraisers (or “bagmen”) to identify lawyers, academics and sitting judges who fit their specifications. You always have to have a champion. Nobody gets appointed without somebody walking them through, in one way or another.” I don’t see how one can toe the line, buy in, sell out, condescend, play the political game and still be an effective independent minded judge – unless, of course, you’re a right-wing Conservative – which is the point, I guess.

For a decade, the Prime Minister has been on a quest to take back the judiciary from the Liberals. Sean Fine goes inside the opaque world of judicial appointments to reveal the making of a Conservative legacy

Source: Stephen Harper’s courts: How the judiciary has been remade – The Globe and Mail

OH FOR LEADERSHIP LIKE THIS IN CANADA -President Obama Takes On the Prison Crisis – The New York Times

“Mr. Obama explained that people who commit violent crimes are not the reason for the exploding federal prison population over the last few decades. Most of the growth has come instead from nonviolent, low-level drug offenders caught up in absurdly harsh mandatory minimum sentences that bear no relation to the seriousness of their offense or to the maintenance of public safety. Mandatory minimums like these should be reduced or eliminated completely, he said. Judges should have more discretion to shape sentences and to use alternatives to prison, like drug courts or community programs, that are cheaper and can be more effective at keeping people from returning to crime.”

Mr. Obama spoke of the absurdly harsh sentences that have filled America’s prisons, and of the need for community investment to prevent crime.

Source: President Obama Takes On the Prison Crisis – The New York Times