Even though he wasn’t a lawyer this reflects badly on all lawyers. “The belief that you can change the facts is something that lawyers should guard against, because the truth at the end of the day is the only thing we have to work with,”
IF AT FIRST YOU DON’T SUCCEED try doing what your lawyer said in the first place.
There is a lot of information here about the operations of our courts. It’s interesting to note that 86.4% of all cases are resolved without setting a trial date and of those trials scheduled 66.5% do not for whatever reason actually have a trial.
STEPS TO JUSTICE – a source of information.
An informed client is a good client and we strive to educate and inform ours but don’t confuse your google search or steps to justice search with my legal degree, decades of experience and personal connections.
Source: Steps to Justice |
DRUNK SHAMING -Toronto police officer who lost gun now faces drunk driving charge | Toronto Star
With the YRP wanting to publish names of persons charged with impaired driving to shame them, we should see more of this published. “In August 2015, Petrie was convicted of four misconduct charges under Ontario’s Police Services Act in connection to the loss of his Toronto police service weapon — a gun believed to have been stolen from the trunk of his car while he shopped at Home Depot and the LCBO, or while the car was parked on the street outside his home.” Now he “is facing impaired driving charges after being involved in a single vehicle collision while off-duty.”
It’s the second time in the last two years that Sgt. Kyle Petrie has been before the Toronto police disciplinary tribunal.
Source: Toronto police officer who lost gun now faces drunk driving charge | Toronto Star
THE WAR ON MARIJUANA – Someone should tell the cops the war is over.
You can click on any comment which will take you to the FB page.
Source: Sheriff’s Department Posts Pics of Weed Bust on FB – Gets Instantly Destroyed
THC vs. CBD -Medicinal marijuana: Everything You Need To Know About Cannabidiol
If you thought medicinal marijuana was a scam to open the door to recreational legalization the opportunity to actually scientifically study the plant has revealed a whole lot more benefits than we thought. “Until we address the legal and political barriers that prevent us from exploring cannabis as medicine, our opened doors will remain unexplored.”
WHEN A JUROR GOES BAD – Gay man who was mocked by juror on radio has charges stayed | Toronto Star
“The reasonable observer would expect that a person who comes before the courts would be treated with dignity and respect, and not be publicly ridiculed by the person judging him,”
Jury foreman made homophobic jokes about the Toronto trial on the Dean Blundell Show.
Source: Gay man who was mocked by juror on radio has charges stayed | Toronto Star
The Hamilton judge who wore a ‘Make America Great Again’ hat in court has been banned from trying cases | Toronto Star
Is this a mountain or a molehill? What do you think?
Justice Bernd Zabel, who declared his support for Donald Trump in court, is no longer presiding in court, according to a spokeswoman for the Ontario Court of Justice.