PROJECT RAPHAEL – York police arrest 104 after officers pose as child sex workers | Toronto Star

Let’s be clear that there never were any underage girls involved. Police placed ads pretending to be an adult female prostitute. Once contact was made the police officer pretended he was younger than 18. Most of those charged were not specifically looking for an underage prostitute. That’s why it’s called a “sting”. What confuses the issue is that the age of consent is 16 unless you’re a prostitute then you cannot consent until you’re 18.

Source: York police arrest 104 after officers pose as child sex workers | Toronto Star

Cannabis Act

THE CANNABIS ACT: Go to the source of information to answer your questions. I don’t expect you’ll read all 126 pages of this Act, but the information is here if you wish to scan for the basic provisions.

Source: Cannabis Act

YOUTH AND MARIJUANA -Teens Won’t Get Criminal Records For Marijuana Possession Under New Canadian Law

Even when marijuana is legalized it will still be illegal to possess it under the age of 18 or 19. The proposal is intended to give the Provinces an option to charge youths for possession of marijuana as we would if it were alcohol, as a regulatory rather than criminal offence. They should start doing that NOW.

Source: Teens Won’t Get Criminal Records For Marijuana Possession Under New Canadian Law

Canada’s Cannabis Act: A High Level Overview – Slaw

AN OVERVIEW OF CANNABIS REGULATION – A good article. This is a first step in what is going to be a shifting landscape for a while.

The Cannabis Act, which will legalize the recreational use of cannabis across Canada, was unveiled by the federal government this past Thursday. The Act is fairly dense, spanning 226 sections and 6 schedules. While there is a lot of content to digest

Source: Canada’s Cannabis Act: A High Level Overview – Slaw

MURDER AND THE UNBORN – can an unborn fetus be a murder victim?

I’m not going to take a side on this issue but I want to point out that the issue is about the beginning of life. In order to accommodate abortions the law has taken the position that a fetus has to emerge alive from the womb before it is legally a life in being. If a fetus is not legally alive it cannot be illegally killed.

Changing the current law to allow for ‘fetal homicide’ charges could even result in pregnant women being charged after miscarriages, critics warn

Source: Toronto-area killing reignites emotional debate: can an unborn fetus be a murder victim?