Category archives: Uncategorized
DID YOU KNOW THIS? Honestly, I didn’t.
WHAT IF (just bear with me for a moment) THE GOVERNMENT ENSURED A SUPPLY OF CLEAN DRUGS TO OUR CITIZENS IN NEED? – How devastating would that be to the illegal drug trade in Canada … including the money laundering of its profits through our casinos and the resulting massive investments in residential real estate?
HMMMM … I WONDER – “Would the result have been different if the accused had been a female, and one of the officers had been a male? However, Golden also recognizes that strip searches can be particularly traumatic for women and minorities, and so the analysis will not necessarily be identical across all genders and races of accused persons.” SO … NO.
MOURNING BANDS AND WEEPERS – Over 40 years in court litigation and I had no idea what these were.
Queen’s Counsel (Q.C.) becomes King’s Counsel (K.C.). Criminal prosecutions cited as R. v. (name) now stands for Rex instead of Regina. Queen’s Bench Division becomes King’s Bench Division … and so on.
Do you believe in Legal Aid?
It’s the law.
LESSONS WE CAN LEARN – “The government’s depletion and degradation of the criminal justice system is the reason that it is in the state that it is.” “The young criminal bar keep the system working. But you can’t make them do a job that they cannot afford to do.” “Barristers in their first three years, who are self-employed, can take home little more than £12,000 (US$14,203) a year, according to the Criminal Bar Association.”
GO TO THE SOURCE – Here is the redacted affidavit to obtain a warrant for the search of Mar-A-Lago. No need to listen to what someone tells you it says.