“WHEN IT COMES TO BAIL REFORM BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR.” “Simplistic, tough-on-crime responses to similar tragedies in the past put in motion a pendulum that has now swung in the other direction. Canada has wrestled for decades with a bail system that many experts, as well as the Supreme Court of Canada, believe is overcautious and risk-averse to a fault. But everyone involved should remember that tougher bail conditions are what brought the pendulum out of equilibrium in the first place.” #criminallaw #bail #reform

IN THIS SEXUAL ASSAULT CASE the entirety of the Crown’s case was the admission of an unsworn video-recorded statement given to the police without the opportunity to cross-examine, and that’s okay according to the Supreme Court.


BEWARE OF IMMIGRATION CONSEQUENCES OF A GUILTY PLEA Charges such as impaired driving, assault with a weapon, and break-and-enter, among others, have implications on a person’s immigration status and can result in deportation or loss of status.
