“The reforms have compounded pressures on the criminal justice system and have led to an increase in challenges pursuant to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. There were 64 mandatory minimum penalties in the Criminal Code and nine mandatory minimums in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. Since 2005, 51 code offences were amended …

SHOULD I HIRE A LAWYER? -Accused raises the volume in murder trial

“But it’s useful to keep in mind that old proverb: A man (or woman) who defends himself (herself) has a fool for a client.” On trial for killing her husband, Xiu Jin Teng reminded us Monday that the judge can’t silence her or even tone her down, writes Rosie DiManno. Source: Accused raises the volume …

DIAMOND & DIAMOND -Allegations of lewd texts to assistant put Jeremy Diamond in the rough

More insight into what a law firm should not be In 2011, a female assistant was charged with extortion after she threatened to expose Diamond for harassing behaviour and other activities. On investigation, police withdrew charges against her and concluded there was ‘sufficient evidence to charge (Diamond)’ but none were filed. Source: Allegations of lewd …

DIAMOND & DIAMOND – Have you ever wondered what’s up with this law firm?

“Our firm is mainly a referral source and initial screening agent . . . our firm will not represent or suggest that we will act for the client. Diamond — described as an “award-winning personal injury lawyer” — has never tried a case himself. Emails written between late 2009 and early 2011, appear to reference …

COURT DELAY AND BACKLOG -Backlog of Toronto drunk-driving cases threatens goal of zero tolerance

“Six weeks and two court appearances before evidence was disclosed to the defence, trouble finding a judge and then scheduling conflicts between the Crown and defence lawyers.” Realistically there are a maximum of only 4 and 1/2 scheduled hours a day that a court has to hear cases, if everything goes well. “We used to …


Most people want to stay out of the courts but a little legal knowledge can go a long way. Unfortunately a little knowledge is just that ….not enough knowledge. Althea Reyes has used Ontario’s overstretched judicial system to sue everyone from ex-lovers to lawyers to a total stranger. In Toronto alone, she has sued at …