Demanding breath samples no different than asking for driver’s licence: Jody Wilson-Raybould

“While the bill would eliminate the need for reasonable suspicion of drinking and driving, it would still only apply if the driver was lawfully stopped in the first place.” So breath tests can be demanded for no reason. What’s a lawful stop? “under provincial law and common law, (a) police officer (can) stop vehicles at …

Canada’s gun laws aren’t saving lives — they’re just making them more complicated |

CANADA’S GUN LAWS – The regulations are complex, detailed and confusing. “What if my cable lock isn’t closed all the way? What if I forget my license at home? What if I need to stop to change a flat tire on my way home from the range?” Some Crown Attorneys’ believe that such a minor …

LICENSE PLATE READERS -In California, a Fight For Car Owners’ Privacy Rights Fails

It’s interesting how a seemingly insignificant issue underlies much larger concerns. Should authorities be able to track our movements … for the public good? California state law permits car owners to cover their legally parked cars to protect them against weather and incidental damage. It’d be easy to assume that, because cars can be covered …

Jeff Sessions launches War on Drugs 2.0 with new mandatory-minimum policy – VICE News

WAR ON DRUGS 2.0 – Not surpisingly, the Trump administration has turned around and walking backwards. “Sessions, a former federal prosecutor, is one of a handful of hard-line Republicans who still supports the use of mandatory minimums and opposes criminal justice reform.” Source: Jeff Sessions launches War on Drugs 2.0 with new mandatory-minimum policy – …

PROPOSED DRIVING LAW CHANGES – will give police sweeping powers, warn legal experts.

PROPOSED DRIVING LAW CHANGES – If passed police will be able to pull you over for no particular reason and demand you provide a breath or saliva sample without cause. Also you will have to stay sober for 2 hours after driving. If you become impaired or over 80 within 2 hours of driving police …

Backpage faces pressure to crack down on human trafficking ads in Canada – The Globe and Mail

BACKPAGE – “The Senate report cites the National Association of Attorneys General in describing Backpage as a “hub” of human trafficking, “especially the trafficking of minors. Among the descriptions: “Fresh,” “Young,” “New in town,” “Just off the plane,” “Available 24/7,” “Barely legal,” “Looks underage,” “Hot young angel – do whatever u want.” Not only do …

What’s ailing SickKids? How Toronto’s world-class children’s hospital missed the warning signs | Toronto Star

ANOTHER SCANDAL AT SICK KIDS – One has to appreciate “the dangers of untrained experts performing a forensic service.” When a respected institution presents “evidence” the presumption of regularity is strong and difficult to overcome. When the science is wrong people pay a very destructive and devastating human price … again. Source: What’s ailing SickKids? …

SELF REPRESENTATION -Burning Down (or perhaps just lightly scorching) the house – Slaw

If you’re considering going to court on your own and plan on representing yourself, this article will give you some idea of the convoluted and complex world you’re stepping into…..whether it’s family or criminal. It seems to me that whenever we talk about litigants without counsel, the conversation inevitably veers toward the delays, costs and …