Author archives: wpengine
Atlantic Canada has an enviable problem: its youth jails are emptying out. – “The decline in numbers began slowly back in 2003 when the Youth Criminal Justice Act came into force. A 2014 report by Statistics Canada says between 2000 and 2014, the youth crime rate dropped by 42 percent.” Funds are able to be reallocated to community services.
Source: Atlantic Canada has an enviable problem: its youth jails are emptying out | CBC News
GENETIC GENEALOGY – also known as a familial search. Police now search the private databases you have submitted your DNA spit-kit too. The catch is that you don’t have to submit your own DNA. You could be a match if any relative of yours has submitted theirs. This is the new front line of privacy protection.
The trial of William Earl Talbott II hinged on a lead from a genealogy site. The verdict will shape the future of crime-fighting and genetic privacy. Source: Man Found Guilty in a Murder Mystery Cracked By Cousins’ DNA
Teen who killed two men claims cannabis does not impair driving, tells judge to ‘Google it’ – WHAT?
The 18-year-old has been spared jail time for the deadly incident, receiving only a community service order Source: Teen who killed two men claims cannabis does not impair driving, tells judge to ‘Google it’
CONSENT OBTAINED BY FRAUD IS NO CONSENT – This rather obvious statement applies to sexual interactions too.
Having unprotected sex when consent for sexual activity is negated by fraud amounts to sexual assault, according to a recent ruling by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. In R. v. Rivera 2019 ONSC 3918, Justice Nathalie Champagne concluded that Anibal Rivera led the complainant, identified as C.M., to believe that he would wear a …
We all need a legal secretary like this.
Trudeau government’s impaired driving law is so unclear, even the Justice Department can’t explain it – “At some point the government will have to decide if they actually plan to govern based on science, reason, and data, or if they instead wish to continue wasting precious political capital on PR-short stops which in the long term erode our civil liberties.”
Earlier today the official Twitter account for the Department of Justice had to issue a clarification after Maxime Bernier, the Source: Trudeau government’s impaired driving law is so unclear, even the Justice Department can’t explain it
How to Find the Best Toronto Criminal Defence Lawyer – This strikes me as good advice.
There are few things in life as frightening as being accused and arrested for a criminal offense. Whether or not you are actually guilty doesn’t alter the fear it instills in you. Obviously, if you are guilty it is something […] Source: How to Find the Best Toronto Criminal Defence Lawyer – Baltimore Post-Examiner
“Act of dragging complainant while asleep and drugged was inconsistent with any sort of consent.” – You wouldn’t have thought this would have to go to the Supreme Court of Canada to be decided.
Criminal Law Appeals Appeal from conviction or acquittal Act of dragging complainant while asleep and drugged was inconsistent with any sort of consent Source: Act of dragging complainant while asleep and drugged was inconsistent with any sort of consent | Law Times
It is easy to laugh at the idea of drinking and canoeing. But the Sillars case shows how devastating the consequences of a boating accident can be Source: In a case that made Canadian legal history, Ontario man convicted of impaired operation of a canoe