AN EVIDENCE CODE – The laws of evidence are very very complex. We also need a comprehensive overhaul of the Criminal Code however we no longer have a law reform commission to instruct and advise.

An evidence code is needed because, in R. v. Graat [1982] 2 S.C.R. 819, Justice Brian Dickson, delivering the judgment of the Supreme Court, stated: “We start with the reality that the law of evidence is burdened with a large number of cumbersome rules, with exclusions, and exceptions to the exclusions, and exceptions to the exceptions.” …

SEXUAL ASSAULT CASES (HARD CASES MAKE BAD LAW) – The fact is that we no longer know the required way to pick a jury or how to handle the new “reverse disclosure” law in sexual assault cases and we won’t know until the Supreme Court tells us. It’s chaos out there. Give your thanks to Jody Wilson-Raybould.

The shadow of Ghomeshi looms over Bill C-51, but it also comes during the MeToo era and concern the trial process is still too hostile towards accusers Source: Liberals’ sex assault trial reforms run into trouble as more judges find Charter violations