A Lawyer, Her Robes and an Outraged Criminal Defence Bar | Andreas Papadopoulos – Toronto Criminal Defence Lawyer

The defence bar is properly outraged. There is no justification whatsoever for this type of conduct by Peel Regional Police. They offer no respect whatsoever for this officer of the court yet they demand respect from all of us no matter what. If police treat lawyers this way in the courthouse how do you think …


MANDATORY MINIMUM SENTENCES and the transfer of power away from Judges. This, simply, is how it works. Let’s take a typical child pornography case. In order to induce a plea of guilty a Crown Attorney can offer to proceed by summary conviction and only seek the mms of 90 days in jail and agree to …

SUSPENDED INVALIDITY – how does that work?

Today the Supreme Court of Canada declared the laws making doctor assisted suicide invalid but suspended the invalidity for one year to allow parliament to respond. So what happens in the next year if a doctor assists a patient in committing suicide? Is the doctor criminally liable? What happens if the doctor is convicted and …

OVERCRIMINALIZATION – the backward direction our government is taking Canada.

 ” It is surprisingly easy for otherwise law-abiding citizens to run afoul of the overwhelming number of federal and state criminal laws. This proliferation is sometimes referred to as “overcriminalization,” which affects us all but most profoundly harms our disadvantaged citizens. How did we get in this situation? It began with well-intentioned lawmakers who went …

This Man Faces Life in Prison for … Rapping | David Loy

This article wouldn’t usually get my attention because it is an “American” experience, but with Harper’s use of terrorism to Americanize our laws and incarcerate people for expression, this is perhaps something we should pay attention to, because it’s coming here, sad to say. This Man Faces Life in Prison for … Rapping | David Loy.