“We need to recognize that the criminal justice system has been tasked to solve all of society’s ills, including mental illness, drug addiction, family breakdown, joblessness, and spontaneous violence as well as the terrible crimes committed by the few.” This has to stop.
Author archives: Dennis Reeve
At the height of the pandemic, Boris Bytensky helped mobilize an army of defence lawyers to reduce the prison population. We are all proud of Boris, his dedication and his leadership.
Ontario’s plan to build new prisons is wrongheaded – Michael Spratt has, as usual, hit the nail on the head. Ontario is not listening to the sounds of change.
Boy with autism, 13, shot several times by police after mom calls for help in Salt Lake City- Is the lesson here that if you need help do NOT call the police?
“A (BIG) step to decriminalize drug possession.” – This is effectively a defund the police move, but with police approval.
THE WAR ON DRUGS was a very bad idea. “Society is finally coming to realize that the heavy-handed approach of the criminal-legal system is ineffective and built off racist and colonial ideologies—and that we can imagine better alternatives.”
LEGAL PSYLOCIBIN – for medical use.
For the first time since 1974 magic mushrooms have been granted an exemption upon the belief that the exemption is needed for a medical or scientific purpose or is in the public interest. Studies are being conducted about psilocybin’s potential therapeutic benefits for treating anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder and problematic drug use. https://www.canadianlawyermag.com/practice-areas/medical-malpractice/four-late-stage-cancer-patients-granted-legal-exemption-to-use-magic-mushrooms-for-therapy/332906?utm_source=GA&utm_medium=20200902&utm_campaign=CLW-Newsletter-20200902&utm_content=60340243-7A36-40AE-831C-5923AFD1310D&tu=60340243-7A36-40AE-831C-5923AFD1310D
Revoking citizenship of treasonous Canadians. Is this a good idea and if so, how should it be done? Will there be 2 classes of citizenship – a second class of those eligible for dual citizenship? Should we rely upon the judgment of foreign courts? Is it better to imprison or deport such offenders? There …
Once again American law aligns with our law. “it would be fundamentally unfair and a deprivation of Due Process to allow an arrested person’s silence to be used to impeach an explanation subsequently offered at trial.” In other words, at trial, the Crown cannot ask or even comment about you exercising your right to remain …
WHAT YOU SHOULD EXPECT OF YOUR LAWYER – New ATC Breath and Blood Alcohol Standards
If you’re charged with a drinking and driving offence, these technical requirements are only one aspect of your case a criminal defence lawyer should analyze in assessing whether you have a viable defence. (Thank you Jim Wigmore for bringing these recommendations to our attention.) New ATC Breath and Blood Alcohol Standards.