“While most people consider psychedelics to be a recreational drug and often associate them with the counterculture of the 1960s, psychedelics have a long history of medicinal use. Unfortunately, due to negative public and political perceptions, (that is, the war on drugs) little research occurred in this area for decades.” – The reality is that magic mushrooms are readily available online from B.C. websites, securely delivered in Canada by Canada Post.

IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND THE BENEFIT OF REPEALING MANDATORY MINIMUM SENTENCES THIS SHORT ARTICLE EXPLAINS IT – ” It’s a situation where the hands of justice are tied behind its back. It’s an attempt by politicians to micromanage judicial decisions for political purposes and at times contrary to the highest law of the land, the Canadian Constitution. No wonder many of the minimum penalties introduced in the Harper era have been struck down by courts across the country.”

WHAT IS RESTORATIVE JUSTICE? : A reawaking to an underlying concept of justice. – “Restorative justice is a very broad concept. It is a way of responding to harm, including crimes. In our society we typically respond with finger-pointing and punishment. “Who dun it?” and “What do they deserve?” In restorative justice the response is, “Who has been harmed?” and “Who’s responsibility is it to repair the harm?” Its focus is on repairing harm and improving relationships.”