Author archives: Dennis Reeve
The Crown is seeking a sentence of 23 years. What do you think about that? Too much? For perspective, the sentence for first degree murder is 25 years.
For comparison:
RETURN TO IN-PERSON HEARINGS A BAD IDEA – These same considerations apply to criminal law lawyers. I do not want to go back to sitting in court or in a hallway or in the lawyers’ lounge from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to have my 15 minutes in court. How do I justify charging my client for a day of counsel fee when I only worked 15 minutes? How do I survive in business if I only bill for those 15 minutes? Now that we have escaped that, I will not go back.
THE DEFAULT COURT APPEARANCE SHOULD BE REMOTELY – The old “normal” was not working except on the back of defence lawyers. “With the fool-hearted rush to return to “normal,” we must recognize that normal was just a cover for injustice and inequity in many cases.
THE AMALGAMATED TORONTO COURTHOUSE – All of the criminal courts in Scarborough, North York, Etobicoke, 311 Jarvis, College Park and Old City Hall will all be funneled into one central courthouse in downtown Toronto. It seems to be universally (except for the Government) panned as a bad idea.
MISLEADING SENSATIONALISM – People will take what serves their purposes from a judgment. Like a catchy headline evoking an emotional response at the expense of understanding the logic of laws that protects us all from abuses of power. The headline, a “Charter technicality” flies in the face of the findings of Justice Prutschi. “Even without any malice or bad faith on the part of police, the breach was more than a mere technical error, he continued. “The result is the complete denial of true right to counsel. This is a serious violation favouring exclusion of evidence.”
Study Finds Dead Bodies Keep Moving – This information could be crucial to future death and homicide investigations.