RETURN TO IN-PERSON HEARINGS A BAD IDEA – These same considerations apply to criminal law lawyers. I do not want to go back to sitting in court or in a hallway or in the lawyers’ lounge from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to have my 15 minutes in court. How do I justify charging my client for a day of counsel fee when I only worked 15 minutes? How do I survive in business if I only bill for those 15 minutes? Now that we have escaped that, I will not go back.

MISLEADING SENSATIONALISM – People will take what serves their purposes from a judgment. Like a catchy headline evoking an emotional response at the expense of understanding the logic of laws that protects us all from abuses of power. The headline, a “Charter technicality” flies in the face of the findings of Justice Prutschi. “Even without any malice or bad faith on the part of police, the breach was more than a mere technical error, he continued. “The result is the complete denial of true right to counsel. This is a serious violation favouring exclusion of evidence.”