Is it sexual abuse of animals? Does the law exist to protect the rights of animals? Is the animal a victim? That’s what our Supreme Court is being asked to decide. “What makes this an interesting animal rights case is that the Court is also being asked to consider the effect on the family dog.” If the animal is considered to be a victim does that raise it to the status of a person? Will the services of the Victim Witness Assistance Program will be made available? Will animal services and protection organizations have access to the funds collected as mandatory Victim Fine Surcharges? Will animal victims enjoy the rights and benefits afforded to human victims of criminal acts? Can the accused by sued on behalf of the animal? Let’s see what the court has to say.
Essentially, the top court is being asked if non-human animals enjoy the right not to be sexually abused.
Source: Supreme Court bestiality case could boost animal rights: Walkom | Toronto Star