Victims’ rights are not an historical concept. That is because criminal law is an adversarial process of the state and it’s interests against individuals whose behaviour has not conformed with the rules and morals of society, for the purpose of ensuring the safety and order of the community. Victims are not a party to this dispute. Disputes between individuals is the realm of civil litigation not criminal law. While victims need to be respected in the criminal process the rhetoric of raising victims to the status of a party to the criminal prosecution confuses the issues, skews the process and is largely a political tactic. This audio provides but one example of the problems created.
The Not Criminally Responsible Reform Act lets victims know where their attackers are living. But threats of violence against a B.C. man who was found not criminally responsible for a violent crime have caused the B.C. Review Board to question that legislation.
Source: Threats to mentally ill attacker raise questions about revised legislation
Here is a thoughtful discussion raising issues the government apparently did not consider.