The Impact Of Smoking Marijuana Regularly On Your Lungs, According To Science | ThinkProgress

But there are still lingering questions about the health effects of the drug — which are stalling efforts to shape public policy.

IT’S TIME TO PUT REEFER MADNESS TO BED – “In 2012, government researchers found that people who smoked pot daily for seven years didn’t damage their lungs in a manner similar to that of tobacco smokers. A 2013 study conducted by Donald Tashkin, a professor at the University of California Los Angeles who has led long-term studies on the effects of tobacco inhalation, also confirmed that marijuana use alone didn’t cause significant abnormalities to the lungs. Putting marijuana in your lungs is not the healthiest decision you can make but it’s stark compared to the damage done by tobacco.”

Source: The Impact Of Smoking Marijuana Regularly On Your Lungs, According To Science | ThinkProgress

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