IRONICALLY THE LEGALIZATION OF CANNABIS HAS LED TO MORE INTRUSIVE SEARCH POWERS BY POLICE – “In Ontario, the transportation of marijuana is governed by the Cannabis Control Act, which allows the police, in the absence of any suspected criminal activity, to search any vehicle and all its occupants (if they believe that “any cannabis is contained in the vehicle” and it is “readily available to any person in the vehicle.”) It can’t be understated just how broad the new police search powers are – we are talking about searching anywhere in the vehicle, including the trunk, and all passengers and their belongings, down to the deep pockets, makeup bags, and yes, even bras. So, here’s the big question: if the purpose of the Cannabis Control Act is to make sure drivers don’t have access to cannabis while driving, what’s the deal with searching the vehicle’s trunk? It doesn’t quite add up.” And it gets worse …