NON-INSANE AUTOMATISM – WHAT IT MEANS AND WHAT IT DOESN’T MEAN: I have read a lot of articles that do not understand our Supreme Court decision. This article explains what it really means. “It is false that an individual who is simply drunk or high will be able to avoid criminal responsibility. They and their lawyers would need to prove “extreme intoxication” – a legal concept which requires scientific, expert evidence of what the Supreme Court described as “psychotic, delusional and involuntary conduct” caused by the consumption of a drug. In other words, a person would need to have had no control over their actions because of the drug they consumed.”

Opinion: What is true and what is false about the Supreme Court of Canada’s extreme intoxication ruling,%20ministers%20say&utm_campaign=newsletter&cu_id=QOZRZekEHGFjnSsUBQ0byp8IRf5R4BBL