SEXUAL ASSAULT: A QUESTIONABLE SURVEY – Two-thirds of Canadians believe most sex-assault claims are true

Firstly, Anuradha Dugal, director of the surveying organization said “Obviously we’d like the numbers to be a lot higher” which is not unbiased or impartial and secondly “steps that could be taken to alter public attitudes toward sexual assault, including more education for judges and prosecutors and others in the justice system”. Who will teach them what and how will judicial education alter public attitudes? Thirdly, on what evidentiary or factual basis other than emotion or agenda do the respondents come to their conclusion? I prefer the 24% who responded “I don’t know”.

New survey suggests Jian Ghomeshi case hasn’t made people more skeptical of the credibility of women who claim they’ve been assaulted.

Source: Two-thirds of Canadians believe most sex-assault claims are true | Toronto Star