THE GHOMESHI TRIAL: PUTTING THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE -Sex assault accusations deserve scrutiny equal to any other

We sometimes get careless in our use of terminology which discloses our prejudices. In law a victim is not a victim unless and until a judge or jury decides, after hearing evidence, that a crime has been committed. Before then a person is a complainant or an accuser but not a victim. If we start from the presumption of victimization the entire fact finding process is perverted or nullified. “Why should a sex assault victim be treated with suede gloves and not, say, Const. James Forcillo, who shot at a teenager nine times and killed him? Because you’re pre-assuming the virtue of the accuser — exclusively due to the charge — and the guilt of a most unsavory defendant. Some of us still wait for verdicts. Quaint, I know.”

Vigorous questioning like that in the Ghomeshi trial isn’t just allowed, it’s essential to the trial’s authenticity, regardless of the charges.

Source: Sex assault accusations deserve scrutiny equal to any other: DiManno | Toronto Star