Inequities are the result of getting “tough on crime” without proper safeguards. For those of you that harbour the attitude that you have nothing to worry about because you haven’t done anything wrong, you better read this. The government’s “us vs. them” approach to criminal law turns all of us into “them” and causes the police to view all of us as the enemy. “The roughly $5,000 in fees and charges it costs most drivers is little compared to the often expensive collateral consequences, such as loss of a job, that can result from an IRP.”
Five-years after Victoria introduced the nation’s toughest anti-drunk-driving laws, the controversy over the inequities of instant curbside justice continues. Documents obtained from a freedom of information request show numerous B.C. motorists have been wrongly handed stiff Immediate Roadside Prohibitions for impaired driving as a result of improperly calibrated screening devices.
Source: Ian Mulgrew: B.C. drunk-driving law looks flimsier than ever